Volunteering With India
54, Amer Rd, Govind Nagar East, Govind Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302002, India
Review №1

Beautiful experience in close contact with elephants. We learned to clean the space in which they live, wash the elephants, feed them and take care of them. It was sometimes a tough job especially to wake up very early in the morning but it was definitely worth it. I never thought Id find out that elephants are much closer to humans than you think. They know how to be very intelligent and also affectionate. I never felt threatened or in danger with them. Thanks for this wonderful experience, I recommend it to anyone who wants to be in contact with animals.

Review №2

Wonderful experience, would give 5 stars, the rushing into mandatory sightseeing as soon as one gets there is taxing after traveling to India for two days. One day of rest before volunteering and sightseeing would be better. Loved volunteering with the elephants, would add a clause that it is taxing physically if someone is over 60. Other than that the trip was so enjoyable! We saw so much and experienced wonderful sights and activities.

Review №3

I spent a week in Women Empowerment and Children Program.Girls are very interested about volunteers and they want know and show more things are possible. I tried to fasten bottons, sew and others activities like this. Communication is not easy but sometimes have to the desire to know people is the best way to build relationships.In the children program I had possibility to play with them, sing, do English lessons in different ways.Every day I thought how do interactive lessons. Definitely is a very interesting experience rich of human interactions.

Review №4

I never imagined that I would learn so much from these wonderful boys. While at times it was very challenging and I had students at all different levels of English; I could not have imagined a better placement. I was truly accepted as part of the community and taken in as family. I have forever been changed by this experience and will always hold it close to my heart.

Review №5

Staff is attentive and children are very excited to be connected with you. Stay longer than three days! My time was limited but I had the sense that the longer you can spend, the deeper the connections, the more meaningful the experience.

Review №6

In August 2019, I was a medical volunteer in India.We as volunteers were on a ambulance with a doctor and a pharmacist.We moved in the poorest neighbourhoods of Jaipur to give first health support to anyone free of charge.I had a fantastic experience!I recommend anyone who wants to understand the realities of health problems in these areas.

Review №7

Had an absolute blast working with the elephants and seeing the sights of Jaipur! Everything ran smoothly and according to plan. Spending time with these elephants was a once in a lifetime opportunity and it was amazing to spend an extended period of time with these beautiful creatures.The staff of the program were second to none, our coordinator (Surendra) was absolutely fantastic and we were very lucky to have him. Surendra was great at suggesting activities and sightseeing. He also was great at talking to the locals on our behalf when our minimal Hindi did not suffice. Also special mention of the host family for their amazing hospitality. The family went out of their way to ensure we were comfortable and to make sure we got the most out of our stay.

Review №8

Mobile medicine is a nice idea for local people who are in need or who live in some rural areas. During the experience of medical project here, I had chance to understand the local medical conditions and problems in India. I could discuss those problems with local workers, and tried to find a better ways of volunteering. I could participate in the process of medical consultation, preparing and giving medicine.After a strong cultural impact due to diversity in the approach with the patient, inadequate medical devices and a huge language barrier I found a wonderful team that taught me to recognize the associations of Indian drugs, the most common diseases in India and to deliver medicines to patients.So, even without ‘standard’ medical acts, I felt part of the team and it just made me feel like I was doing something.Definitely I would do this experience a million times again.

Review №9

The medical program with Volunteering with India is an incredible adventure on a bus-ambulance in which volunteers help the medical and pharmacist in assisting rural areas of Jaipur that otherwise would not have access to treatment.We also checked the physical conditions of children in the village once a week. I have also learned some local language to make a better interaction with local people. I really learned a lot by the observation and enjoyed these days! We also had similar program in my hometown, and I will bring my experience back to make a better medical service.I was so proud of myself at the first time that I finished the all process of preparing medicine and giving them to the patients by their language.

Review №10

Being on the program in India was absolutely amazing. It was a truly cathartic experience, and working with the other volunteers was so much fun! The children at the orphanage were so wonderful and I really loved spending time with them.

Review №11

I am reviewing Cooking class run by VWI. The organization is of a commercial nature, not a volunteering organization. The cooking class itself was amazing!! I would give it 5 stars. The local family was very nice and hospitable. I came here to write a positive review, but after having seen fake reviews, I was disappointed. Also, my friend and I were pushed into writing reviews here and on the other site. Thats not how the business should be run.

Review №12

Before joining the program all of the questions that i asked were answered. My emails were always returned in very short time.The program manager was there on my arrival to pick me from Jaipur Airport. I loved the kids that i worked with ! The staff was also helpful. Especially i would say the biggest challenge was the language barrier.Host family were very nice.Meals were great especially.The family was very kind to me and were generous enough to let myself and other volunteers participate in their families Diwali celebration.Project Coordinator was very helpful and kind. I felt like i could talk to him.He answered any question that i asked.I would definitely recommend this program to everyone.

Review №13

Very good experience. I was in the elephant program and had an amazing time. They are always helping you and the prity guest house was AMAZING. People are amazing. Food is hard but if you want to come to another country like India you need to give a try to every type of food.

Review №14

It was an unforgettable experience! Ive been working on the elephants and I ve learned to accuse them, talk to them, feed them, have lived in a real Indian Home, ate Indian food, and I learned to understand Indian culture! I recommend it! Every morning I woke up to help these animals! Working with them and seeing the families and children of the village made me realize the real meaning of life: Always smiling!

Review №15

It was a good experience to be part of the elephants program for a week. I enjoy to spend time with elephants and also with the people in charge of them. You can noticed how they can help each other. ♥️

Review №16

I volunteered in Jaipur, India for 2 weeks through VWI and had an incredible experience! I volunteered on the street children project and it was truly an eye opening experience. The school I worked in was nice and clean the staff was friendly, welcoming and passionate about educating students and the slum children. I spent every afternoon with the slum kids and seeing them and watching and helping them learn and just spending time playing with them was truly an eye opening experience. My volunteer accommodations were nice and clean and we ate really well (Indian food is great!) The staff was so friendly and willing to help should you have any issues at all. I developed a skin rash due to an allergy to a medicine I was taking and the in staff checked on me several times and offered several times to take me to a doctor, which made me feel like they really cared and comforted while being so far away from home.This was my first time going abroad completely alone and I felt safe the whole time and met so many amazing people along my journey. I met a great group of people, who after only a few days felt like family, it was sad saying goodbye. It is important to keep in mind flexibility and being open minded to a new culture, lifestyle, manners and food. If you do you will have an amazing and life changing experience! I am going through VWI again and leave in just under 2 months to volunteer abroad again with them!

Review №17

It was an amazing experience! The children are lovely, well educated and disciplined. I was very impressed about the organisation of the school.The staff is very helpful and supportive.I was helping the teacher with english and maths. Every week you get the schedule for the entire week and you know which topic will be covered during english or maths.I spent the holi day at the school playing with the kids and the staff and it was an unforgettable experience! I Highly recommend this project.

Review №18

Mobile medicine is a great idea. For local people and children, there is a chance to seek free medical consultation and medicine. For volunteers, you can get a close look at the local medical situation and problems, and you can always go to the local area. Workers discuss! I also learned a lot when I studied!

Review №19

I had the opportunity to teach at a slum school in Jaipur, India. It was an amazing exxperience. I stayed with a host family and ate vegetarian food. We walked to the school every morning, and taught until about 1:00 p.m. We were able to travel to nearby sites during holidays and weekends.

Review №20

Elephant program:Today I spent morning and afternoon with elephants in the elephant village. In the morning we helped mahouts washing them and in the afternoon we prepeared chapati and gave them grass. I also painted the proboscis of one of them. It was an amazing experience and I am very happy for the possibility I had to knowing better these wonderful animals and local people who live in the village.

Review №21

We had a wonderful time helping out with the elephants it will be cherished memory of our time in India. Our host family were very warm and welcoming and our accommodation was very spacious and clean. The itinerary was very welly thought out and ment we could fit a lot in a short time but we never felt rushed. The tuk tuk was experience of all of its own especially in the crazy Indian traffic. I highly recommend Volunteering with India. Paul

Review №22

I was in jaipur for the medical program with Volunteering with india. We could assist to the medical checkup of youngsters from other states who were found working in factories and now are temporarily living, learning and playing at the NGO center. After that we went to the street for medical checkups inside an equipped ambulance (bus-ambulance). The Bus-Ambulance is divided in two parts, First for Doctor and second for pharmacist. It was a great experience and I was able to learn from other fields of the volunteer programs.

Review №23

DO NOT VOLUNTEER HERE. I signed up to volunteer with the elephants for 2 weeks and only stayed 2 days. I didn’t feel comfortable “volunteering” as the elephants were being used for profit and were chained up in tiny stalls. All they had myself and the other two volunteers (who also left 2 days in) doing was sweeping the elephant jail cells and then they tried to get us to pay them more “donation” money. It is a SCAM!!! Do not do this. You will regret it. I also felt kind of scared and threatened by the program directors as they were getting angry with me for voicing my opinions.I have volunteered at the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand and it was such an amazing experience. Go there instead! They allow the elephants to roam free and you feel like you are actually doing some good.

Review №24

Fantastic experience, tour was well organised, staff very helpful and elephant experience was brilliant. Definitely recommend this tour.

Review №25

Had a great time with this programme! Would highly recommend!

Review №26

In India I learned that you can find friends and family anywhere in the world.At VWI I found a professional and friendly team, especially Surendra and Sukret. I participated in the medical program on the bus-ambulance where my role was to support Taabar ngos doctor and pharmacist in assisting rural areas of Jaipur that otherwise would not have easy access to treatment!Initially I had a strong cultural impact due to diversity in the approach with the patient from what I am used to, inadeguate medical devices and a huge language barrier but next to me I found a wonderful team from which I learned so much about the most common diseases of the area, how to read a local prescription, how to deliver the drugs in Hindi and I also could check the physical conditions of children. Therefore I finally felt part of the team and it just made me feel like I was doing something to help people even without ‘standard’ medical acts.At home I found a wonderful family with a big heart, always there for me and supporting me in everything, we even road-tripped by car all together for 6 hours during the night to reach Jodhpur only because I wanted it so much!Prity guest house is a breath of pure and realistic India, with its traditions, contradictions, happy children running from early morning in every corner of the house and love everywhere!Incredible experience.

Review №27

It is a good experience. We went by tuk tuk, it is not far from Jaipur, around 30 minutes. You can give food to the elephant and it is amazing. Besides you can make photos with them, to hug them and we made chapati typical food of India and gave them bananas too. Definitly it is an experience that you can to experience. People work there are really nice we spent 3 to 4 hours with the lovely elephants, they are very cute!!!!

Review №28

What an incredible, life-changing experience. I would go back in a heart beat! The staff are friendly and supportive and the experience volunteering india gives you a more holistic view of the world. Definitely go for it! 10 out of 10!

Review №29

India is such a special place, revealing the best and worst aspects of humanity and human life. Certainly for me, India constantly provokes a personal question about ones values and strength of conviction. Can you put your money where your mouth is? Can you walk the walk?Volunteering in India is one of the most moving and rewarding experiences I have had in my life. The volunteering programmes offered by Volunteering with India (VWI) are safe and robust. There are many diverse opportunities here to make a difference, however big or small.The organisation was created with the pure and sincere intention of making a difference to those in need. VWI has offered countless opportunities for those in need to receive from those who are fortunate enough to be able to give.Volunteering experiences are made much more special by a generous and earnest welcome into the heart of the culture and the city of Jaipur, the community; the people and their families. Volunteers are looked after well, but most importantly included into a family and community for a true and real experience of India. An unforgettable experience - one I hope to repeat many times again.

Review №30

Sorry, I cannot understand, where all these positive recessions are coming from. I must have done another program than the others.... Ive done the 3 days elephant volunteering + sightseeing in Jaipur 2 months ago and I was highly disappointed. I thought I will do something good by participating in this volunteeing program. The Pictures on the website looked really good to me. But when I arrived there, I actually found the elephants in a stable where they had hardly space to move. They were fixed with two / three legs. There they were the whole day except they had to go to jobs (elephant riding for tourists, weddings or elephant festivals). It was hard to see these majestetical creatures being hold like this. I feel bad about that I supported this by paying money to the program. Please, VWI, pay more respect to the elephants. You also wouldnt want to spend your live like that...

Review №31

I spent three weeks with my friends volunteering with VWI in Jaipur, India. We spent our time teaching english classes in a school, we work for 2 weeks with the children program and 1 week with women program. Overall, it was an amazing experience and offered a truly unique insight into Indian culture. VWI links up with grass-roots projects in India and the staff involved in our project were very supportive. From the beginning, we felt safe and at home with our Indian host family, and the staff were in regular contact with us and dealt with any issues we had straight away.One of my favourite aspects of the program was living with an Indian family. Being totally immersed into family life and getting to know the students in our classes proved to be the best introduction to Indian culture. We learnt so much more in those three weeks about India than in the other 5 weeks we spent backpacking around Rajasthan.The school experience was very enlightening, and although we would have appreciated some more information about what learning materials to bring with us, we really enjoyed it. The volunteer experience will only improve as the school program and curriculum better develops. For most of the children, we were involved in the only formal education they would receive in their life, and that was quite confronting at times.If nothing else, my time in India reminded me of the important things in life. As actions speak louder than words, the best review I can give VWI would be to say that we enjoyed our time in India so much that we are looking at going back to India and helping the school further!

Review №32

One of the best experiences of my life. I hope to return there some day. The children program, coordinator, tuk-tuk driver, host family and the additional sights we visited were beyond my expectations. The food was remarkable and I felt safe, taken care of, and informed every step of the way. and I would highly recommend VWI to anyone who is interested in volunteer in India.

Review №33

I Highly recommend the Organization. Would love to join again. 10 out of 10 to VWI

Review №34

Great enthusiasm

Review №35

VWI has been wonderful in hosting us during our stay in India. I traveled with a small group to volunteer at a local rural areas school in Jaipur, India and the services we were provided were great. All meals were excellent and authentic. The program itself was great, and allowed for a lot of independence. We arrived at the school where the staff would explain cases and allow us to participate in teaching lesson every day. Every Weekends VWI organize the sighseeing tour. I was here for 4 weeks and on every weekend they have something very interesting to bring me for the tour. Overall, it was a pleasure to work with the staff and overall a great experience and I highly recommend the organization.

Review №36

When I participated in the Volunteering With India program, I had never traveled outside of North America before. Since then, Ive been back to India twice, and I am hoping to work in a field that will allow me to spend more time there in the future. I am incredibly thankful to VWI for making my first trip to India such a rewarding experience. VWI was an excellent, supportive program and a great introduction to India. My volunteer placement enabled me to learn a lot more about my field of interest (public health), and the staff were receptive to the projects I proposed. There were also a number of local trips/cultural activities in the afternoons, and I learned the Hindi alphabet (as well as a number of useful Hindi phrases) from the staff members. India can be a difficult country for Westerners to adjust to, but the VWI India staff are all wonderful people who are there to help you every step of the way.

Review №37

I spent three weeks with friends volunteering with VWI in India. We spent our time teaching english classes in a slum school. Overall, it was an amazing experience and offered a truly unique insight into Indian culture. Volunteering With India links up with grass-roots projects in India and the staff involved in our project were very supportive. From the beginning, we felt safe and at home with our Indian host family, and the staff were in regular contact with us and dealt with any issues we had straight away.One of my favorite aspects of the program was living with an Indian family. Being totally immersed into family life and getting to know the students in our classes proved to be the best introduction to Indian culture. We learnt so much more in those three weeks about India than in the other three weeks we spent backpacking around Rajasthan.If nothing else, my time in India reminded me of the important things in life. As actions speak louder than words, the best review I can give VWI would be to say that we enjoyed our time in India so much that we are looking at going back to India and helping the school further! Definitely Recommend to future participants..

Review №38

Very nice!

30 Photos
4.7 Rating
  • Address:54, Amer Rd, Govind Nagar East, Govind Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302002, India
  • Site:
  • Phone:+91 94147 79349
  • Volunteer organization
Working hours
  • Monday:Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday:Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday:Open 24 hours
  • Thursday:Open 24 hours
  • Friday:Open 24 hours
  • Saturday:Open 24 hours
  • Sunday:Open 24 hours
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